Save your money and the planet with this DIY coffee routine

For most of us, a cup of coffee is an essential way to start the day. According to the Coffee Association of Canada, more than 2/3 of Canadians enjoy at least one cup a day. Daily trips to the coffee shop can take a toll on the environment, the well-being of coffee farmers and workers, as well as your personal expenses. Save money and the planet with this DIY coffee routine.

Sustainability issues

Modern cultivation methods may be more efficient in the short term, but they have some serious sustainability issues. Monoculture farms that grow coffee in direct sun, with little or no shade, negatively impact the biodiversity of the planet, contribute to rainforest deforestation and require an increasing amount of pesticides and fertilizers, according to the World Economic Forum. How coffee is cultivated has an enormous impact on the environmental impact of each cup. 

Most of the world’s coffee (80%) is grown by smallholder farmers. Many of these farmers struggle to earn a living due to price volatility. 

How to shop sustainably

Shopping sustainably doesn’t have to be complicated. Look for coffee that is certified Fair Trade or go even further with organic, bird-friendly, shade-grown and more. There are many great coffee brands in Canada to choose from including Ethical Bean, Kicking Horse, 23 degrees, and many others

Save the planet and save money

Shopping and sipping sustainably can cost a little more, but it doesn’t have to. You can save a lot by skipping the coffee shop and making your favourite coffee drinks at home. Whether you’re craving a creamy caramel mocha, longing for a honey spiced latte or looking to cool off by indulging in an iced coffee, these coffee shop-quality recipes are sure to hit the spot, and save you money. 

Choosing the right equipment can go a long way. Check out this guide to brewing a sustainable cup at home. 

Enjoy it on the go

When taking your coffee on the go, be sure to use a reusable cup. Even if you don’t have time to brew your favourite cup at home, bringing a reusable cup to the coffee shop can help reduce your footprint (and may even get you a discount). Some good news for folks who love their Timmy’s, the company is testing reusable, returnable cups.

We hope this DIY coffee routine helps you save money while helping to save the planet.  

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